Review Monitoring…Its importance and how to utilize it.


Reviews are the key to the local data systems. They effectively make and guide consumer choices. What other customers say about your business has more impact than ever before. Reviews can be the tipping point between a business making it and a business going under. Save your business by utilizing Reputation Management. Our program allows you to RESPOND to reviews about your business on any of these directory listings such as Google Places, Yelp, and much more!

While POSITIVE reviews are supportive your business, NEGATIVE reviews that are visible on multiple directories could have more impact than it rightfully should. You can’t compete with your competitors if you aren’t in the game. So sign up for our review monitoring program, and respond to these reviews to give the world your point of view, or perhaps the real story! Save the good reviews and share them on your website or social media platforms.

If you choose to optimize your business’ reputation, its important to understand how to RESPOND to these reviews, both positive or negative, as they can be a good opportunity for business owners to engage with their customers directly online. This shows the customer that your business is listening to them, while the reviews themselves provide legitimate feedback for your business.

How you respond to these reviews, either positive or negative, is a major component of reputation management. Keep in mind that the current and potential customer will read these reviews, so it’s important to demonstrate that your business is committed to making sure the customers have a great experience.

Respond in a timely manner…

  • Respond within one week of when the review is posted. Ignoring bad reviews doesn’t make them disappear. (If you want to sign up for review notifications and be emailed every time a review is posted, check out our GeoTargeting Program and its features!)

Don’t get defensive…

  • Don’t emotionally respond to the review with a rebuttal. Take the time to think about how to rectify the situation. Walk away for a while if you need to take a breath and calm down. Show that you care about the customer’s experience. Try not to reply with a cookie-cutter response. Address the client’s concern, take responsibility for the issue, and apologize if its necessary. Let the reviewer know how you plan to fix the problem they faced as well as what steps you plan on taking to ensure that this issue doesn’t occur again in the future.

Respond to Positive Reviews…

  • Thank the customer for their patronage and for taking the time out of their day to write a positive review about your business. Future clients will see that your responding to positive reviews and this shows that you really do care about your business and shows integrity.


To sign up for Review Monitoring, click the button below to request more info.

Review Monitoring Request Form