
As part of the Web & Moore Professional Website Package, we will help you buy a  new domain for your website or transfer an existing domain if you already have one. We will take care of everything including the DNS records, Nameserver Configuration, and full management of your domain. If you are not sure what domain would be best for your business or website, give us a call and we can help you pick the perfect domain to help get you started.



Web & Moore includes Web Hosting with the Professional Website Package. However, if you are unsatisfied with your current hosting provider and want your website hosted with us, please give us a call and we will help you figure out the right hosting package for you!




Web & Moore has a Dedicated Servers for hosting…why is that better than shared?

On Shared Servers Your Sharing Same IP…

Having the same IP address in shared hosting is the main concern when other sites in the server is actually being blacklisted for unethical activities such as spamming or generating illegal script. Since, you share the same server, it’s obvious you will share the same IP address. So, when other sites are blacklisted, those sharing the same IP with them will also unfortunately share the same fate – being banned all together by search engine. You will be the victim of crime which you don’t commit. However, there are times where you can buy yourself a dedicated IP but this usually is not needed unless you are getting yourself an SSL certificate. In cases such as this one, it depends on your hosting provider on how they deal with clients who do illegal and unapproved activities.

On Shared Servers You Will See Slow Server Response Time

If one of your neighbors have heavy daily traffic, it will consume most of the bandwidth and when things get tighten up, you will feel the slow response time such as difficulty accessing your website. This is because server will respond to the requested file in order of the queue. If one of the visitor happens to request it later and is on a long queue, that visitor will experience slow response time and might eventually end up leaving your website.

Shared Servers Crashes Regularly

The factor to server crashes more often than usual, is the fact that certain scripts are generated and it can overload a server’s resources. If web hosting provider does not monitor the server’s activity, those poorly-written CGI script can give you more headache than relief. Hence, it’s vital for host provider to monitor the server regularly to prevent server from crashes and to protect your site from being affected.

Dedicated Hosting Is More Secured

Having a dedicated server is in fact more secured compared to shared hosting. This is because dedicated server will be provided its own firewall. Therefore, the information stored in dedicated server is less vulnerable to attacks by hackers or any malicious codes. In addition, hosting provider will usually provide backup for you with added fee, but, in terms of security, it’s actually worth it.

Dedicated Hosting Has Better Performance

The response time of the server to requested files will be so much faster compared to shared hosting. Visitors who browse your website will feel happy because your pages will appear on their browser fast enough to satisfy them. Fast loading time will always brighten anyone’s day!