
Happy New Year 2014!

Start off the New Year with a new website, logo, graphics, marketing plan, and more! Give us a call now to discuss an option that is perfect for you and your business! And subscribe to our blog as we update it with news/information on the changes 2014 will bring to…
January 1, 2014

Why should my business get involved in Social Media?

Why should my business get involved in Social Media? Well for starters, its used by almost everyone in some way now days. Its almost a daily routine to hear... “So and So just tweeted this about that news story”...or “Tweet live with us during the show”...or “We are holding a…
November 4, 2013

What is SEO?

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Search engine optimization (SEO) refers to the process of developing or revising website content, structure, and technology to maximize search engine ranking for target keywords and phrases. At the heart of each search engine company is a well-guarded secret formula used to analyze and…
November 4, 2013
EcommerceWebsite Design & Development

Ecommerce Growth

The e-commerce industry is experiencing growth at a staggering rate, requiring online retailers of all sizes to prepare to scale their offerings. A 2013 report published by Forrester Research states that online shoppers in the U.S. will spend $327 billion in 2016, a 45 percent increase from 2012. Additionally, the…
November 4, 2013

You know what they say about "first impressions?" Your homepage is an opportunity to properly welcome your visitors into not only your website, but also your brand. It's important to make that first impression memorable and convert that impression into a sale!

First Impressions

Optimize Your Site for Mobile

Mobile is now mainstream: this fall it's expected to account for 16% of eCommerce spend. Failing to optimize your site's mobile performance means losing out on a big market segment. Optimizing mobile experience requires new strategies and techniques.
November 4, 2013


Cyber-Bulling can happen to anyone at anytime...help take actions to stop it. "Don’t be mean behind the screen." http://www.stopbullying.gov/
November 4, 2013

Social Stores

Want to get Social? We have recently built a Facebook Social Store via Volusion for a Client. We also use Pinterest for those clients who want to Pin their products. Check out this clients Pinterest Board! http://www.pinterest.com/giftsforegolfer/giftsforegolfers-products/
November 4, 2013

Ecommerce Solutions

"Creating custom e-commerce solutions offer organizations and users more opportunities to engage in interactive and thorough development processes. This results in e-commerce experiences that cater specifically to the intended customers, while providing more enjoyable user experiences and usually higher conversion rates." Contact Web & Moore today to discuss e-commerce solutions…
November 4, 2013